Frequently Asked questions (faq’s)

Q: What are the list of scheduled holiday closure dates at Royal?

A: The list of scheduled holidays/closure dates are posted on your parent portal  and on the Royal website under events>closure dates.

Q: Do you have make-up classes for the holiday/closure date? 

A: We do not offer make up classes.  Because of our strict student to teacher ratio, missed classes will not result in make-up classes, prorated tuition or refunds. No refunds for classes missed including scheduled closure dates. We will offer up to two (2) open gym passes per month for missed classes.  

Q: For any holiday or scheduled closure date, will you credit our account or prorate our tuition?

A: We do not credit or prorate tuition for scheduled closure dates.  Our policies include information on holidays/closure dates under the makeup policy and financial responsibility sections.

  • Our flat rate tuition is based on 47 class opportunities per year.  

  • Throughout the year, you will notice that there are months that have 4 weeks per month and also 5 weeks per month.  We do not charge additional tuition for months that have 5 weeks. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to stop by the front desk, call 209-650-0098, option 3 or email  Thank you!